Freie Universität Berlin, Studiengang Bioinformatik, SS 2007
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Datum | Thema | Vortragende | Folien |
8.5. | Netzwerke | Atanas Kamburov | [.pdf] |
15.5. | Sequenzevolution | Carsten Kemana, Inken Wohlers | [.pdf] |
29.5. | Spieltheorie | Sebastian Mackowiak, Sebastian Ueckert | [.pdf] |
5.6. | Populationsgenetik | Thomas Spießer, Arie Zackay | [.pdf] |
12.6. | Populationsdynamik | Max Flöttmann, Jannis Uhlendorf | [.pdf] |
19.6 | Nervensystem | Ulrike Haase | [.pdf] |
26.6. | Self-organising maps | Marten Jäger, Thomas Schüler | Teil 1 [.pdf], Teil 2 [.pdf] |
3.7. | Evolutionäre Algorithmen | Jost Neigenfind | [.pdf] |
10.7. | Allometrie and Bionik | Katharina Albers, Alexander Bujotzek, Marcel Grunert | [.pdf] |
17.7. | Musterbildung | Philipp Kazzer, Sabine Pilari, Marvin Schulz | Teil 1 [.pdf] Teil 2 [.pdf] |
Thema | Autor | Titel | |
Netzwerke | Atanas Kamburov | Structure of biological networks | [.pdf] |
Sequenzevolution | Carsten Kemana | Sequence evolution | [.pdf] |
Inken Wohlers | Molecular evolution | [.pdf] | |
Spieltheorie | Sebastian Ueckert | An introduction to evolutionary game theory | [.pdf] |
Sebastian Mackowiak | The evolution of cooperation and game theory | [.pdf] | |
Populationsgenetik | Thomas Spießer | Dynamik von Genen in Populationen | [.pdf] |
Arie Zackay | Random genetic drift and gene fixation | [.pdf] | |
Populationsdynamik | Jannis Uhlendorf | Population dynamics | [.pdf] |
Max Flöttmann | Population dynamics: a catastrophe model for fishing | [.pdf] | |
Nervensystem | Ulrike Haase | Signal processing in nervous system - Hodgkin-Huxley model | [.pdf] |
Self-organising maps | Thomas Schüler | Self-organization in the nervous system | [.pdf] |
Marten Jäger | Selbstorganisierende Karten | [.pdf] | |
Evolutionäre Algorithmen | Jost Neigenfind | General optimization, global optimization, and evolutionary algorithms | [.pdf] |
Allometrie and Bionik | Alexander Bujotzek | Allometric scaling laws in nature | [.pdf] |
Marcel Grunert | Allometric scaling laws and the derivation of the scaling exponent | [.pdf] | |
Katharina Albers | Allometry in trees | [.pdf] | |
Musterbildung | Philipp Kazzer | Pattern formation | [.pdf] |
Sabine Pilari | Activator-inhibitor systems | [.pdf] | |
Marvin Schulz | Gradients in pattern formation | [.pdf] |