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[result, options] = replicate_regression(t, y, sigma, r, flag_fix_parameters, varargin)


function [result, options] = replicate_regression(t, y, sigma, r, flag_fix_parameters, varargin)


 [result, options] = replicate_regression(t, y, sigma, r, flag_fix_parameters, varargin)

 Bayesian replicate regression for multiple time series measured in replicate.
 Data are directly provided as vectors; they can be transformed to logarithmic scale if desired


  t, y, sigma, r:
    input data (times, values, standard errors, replicate labels)
    given as row vectors (see replicate_regression_core.m)

  flag_fix_parameters (Boolean, optional):
    If set to 1, the options given in the following argument(s) will be accepted
    without changes (otherwise they will be checked and updated)

  varagin (optional) 
    Either a list of property/value pairs for algorithm options (list see below).
    or a structure containing the property/value pairs (this is mandatory if flag_fix_parameters is set to 1)

    matlab struct with results from replicate regression

    matlab struct with options values that were used in the calculation
    The options list is supposed to be ordered by priority; earlier options override later options

  The function is a wrapper for the function 'replicate_regression_core'
  In converting the data to logarithms, y and sigma are either taken to be
  *medians* and *geometric standard deviations*, or *means* and *standard deviations* 
  of the data values. The choice is defined by the argument 'options.transformation'

 LIST OF OPTIONS ('X' marks options also appearing in function 'replicate_regression_core')

  OPTION                               TYPE     DEFAULT        MEANING
  options.verbose                      Boolean  1              Output information during regression
  options.is_logarithmic               Boolean  0              Declare that data are logarithmic
  options.convert_to_logarithm         Boolean  1              Convert data to logarithms for regression
  options.log_transformation           string   'arithmetic'   'arithmetic', 'geometric'
  options.run_crossvalidation          Boolean  0              Run crossvalidation
  options.set_std                      float    nan            Value to replace all data standard deviations
  options.insert_std                   float    1              Value to replace missing data standard deviations
  options.start_at_t                   float    0              Start regression curves at starting time 'start_at_t' (instead of t=0)
  options.start_value                  float    nan            Fixed start value for regression curves
  options.shift_data                   string   'mean'         Policy for shifting data before regression
                                                               {'none', 'fixed_start_value', 'mean', 'initial', 'fixed_1'}
  options.shift_value                  float    nan            Shift used when shifting the data 
  options.basis                      X string   'cos+sin'      Type of basis functions
  options.n_comp                     X int      nan            Fixed number of basis functions
  options.n_comp_min                   int      1              Minimal number of basis functions
  options.n_comp_max                   int      20             Maximal number of basis functions
  options.use_offset                 X Boolean  1              Use constant function as one of the basis functions 
  options.constant_before_start      X Boolean  0              Set all basis functions constant for t<0
  options.deviation_same_start         Boolean  0              Enforce identical start values for all replicates
  options.remove_offset              X Boolean  0              Omit offset when creating the regression curves 
  options.t_smooth                     float    nan            Time constant for setting decreasing prior widths 
  options.t_jump                     X float    nan            Time constant for initial jump basis function
  options.t_interp                     float    t              Time points for interpolated regression curves
  options.average_std                X string   'std_dev_mean' Type of uncertainty to be reported for average curve
  options.central_offset_mean        X float    0     Prior mean  sigma_alpha_0    (for alpha_0   )
  options.central_offset_width       X float    1     Prior width  sigma_alpha_0    (for alpha_0   )
  options.central_first_mode_mean    X float    0     Prior mean  sigma_alpha_1    (for alpha_1   )
  options.central_first_mode_width   X float    1     Prior width  sigma_alpha_1    (for alpha_1   )
  options.central_mode_mean          X vector   []    Prior means sigma_alpha_m    (for alpha_m   )
  options.central_mode_width         X vector   []    Prior widths sigma_alpha_m    (for alpha_m   )
  options.central_jump_mean          X float    nan   Prior means sigma_alpha_jump (for alpha_jump)
  options.central_jump_width         X float    nan   Prior widths sigma_alpha_jump (for alpha_jump)
  options.deviation_offset_mean      X float    0     Prior mean  sigma_beta_0     (for beta_0    )
  options.deviation_offset_width     X float    1     Prior width  sigma_beta_0     (for beta_0    )
  options.deviation_first_mode_mean  X float    0     Prior mean  sigma_beta_1     (for beta_1    )
  options.deviation_first_mode_width X float    1     Prior width  sigma_beta_1     (for beta_1    )
  options.deviation_mode_mean        X float    []    Prior means sigma_beta_m     (for beta_m    )
  options.deviation_mode_width       X float    []    Prior widths sigma_beta_m     (for beta_m    )
  options.deviation_jump_mean        X float    0     Prior means sigma_beta_jump  (for beta_jump )
  options.deviation_jump_width       X float    1     Prior widths sigma_beta_jump  (for beta_jump )
  options.flag_draw_sample           X Boolean  1     Draw sample curve parameters and curve from the posterior
  options.flag_time_derivative       X Boolean  0     Compute time derivative curves

  The basis functions are adjusted to the final time interval [ta,tb](from tt)
    'cos'            : cosine function, zero slope at t=ta and t=tb
    'sin'            : sine function, zero value at t=ta and t=tb
    'sin_half'       : sine function, zero value at t=ta
    'sin_horizontal' : sine function, zero value at t=ta, zero slope at t=tb
    'cos+sin'        : cosine and sine functions, no restriction
    'polynomial'     : polynomial function, zero value at t=ta
    'exp'            : exponentially relaxing functions (t<0 => f=0; t>0 => f = 1-exp(t/tau);

  The entire curves are shifted by a constant basis function 
  This can be suppressed by setting options.use_offset = 1

 Wolfram Liebermeister (2013)



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