Home > replicate_regression > replicate_regression > utils > biotable_combine_replicates.m



[data_central, data_average, data_replicates, statistics, options, data_combined, data_collected] = biotable_combine_replicates(data, options)


function [data_average, data_replicates, data_central, statistics, options_complete, data_combined, data_collected, options_update] = biotable_combine_replicates(data, options)


 [data_central, data_average, data_replicates, statistics, options, data_combined, data_collected] = biotable_combine_replicates(data, options)

 Combine and interpolate data from multiple replicate experiments

 'data' is a cell array of data sets (all in biotable format, same form!!)
 The entries of the first field are used as unique identifiers
 The data entries are reordered in the combined data set.

 data_average, data_replicates, 
 data_central (struct arrays):   regression results
 statistics:                     additional information about the regression procedure
 data_collected (struct arrays): data structure from intermediate processing steps
 data_combined (struct arrays) : data structure from intermediate processing steps
                                 field 'SampleName' contains replicate labels (as numbers)
 options:                        options for multi-curve regression (see script replicate_regression)
   with optional additional fields .prior_updating
     and .updating_factor


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