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ELASTICITY_SAMPLING - Matlab toolbox for thermodynamically feasible elasticity sampling


This is a script file.


 ELASTICITY_SAMPLING - Matlab toolbox for thermodynamically feasible elasticity sampling

 Main functions
   es_default_options     - Create option structures 'es_options' and 'es_constraints' with default parameters
   es_sample_model        - Sample all model parameters for a network; 
                            wrapper around 'es_sample_steady_state' and 'es_sample_elasticities'
   es_sample_multiple     - Create model ensemble and collect values for an output function
   es_compare_ensembles   - Compare the output function for two model ensembles

 Functions for individal phases of model sampling (called by 'es_sample_model')
   es_sample_steady_state - Sample feasible stationary states for a network
   es_sample_elasticities - Given a stationary state, sample elasticities, run MCA, and reconstruct model

 Options for all functions are stored in matlab structs 'es_options' and 'es_constraints'.

   See directory 'demo'

 MATLAB toolboxes required
   Metabolic Network Toolbox              (https://github.com/liebermeister/metabolic-network-toolbox)
   SBMLtoolbox    - SBML import / export  (http://sbml.org/Software/SBMLToolbox)
   SBtab toolbox  - SBtab format          (https://github.com/liebermeister/sbtab-matlab)
   Tensor toolbox -                       (http://www.sandia.gov/~tgkolda/TensorToolbox/index-2.5.html)
   efmtool        - Elementary flux modes (http://www.csb.ethz.ch/tools/efmtool)

 Copyright (C) 2011-2013
 Wolfram Liebermeister  <wolfram.liebermeister@gmail.com>


This function calls: This function is called by:
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