Home > elasticity_sampling > es_default_options.m



ES_DEFAULT_OPTIONS - Set default values in 'es_options' and 'es_constraints'


function [es_options,es_constraints] = es_default_options(N)


 ES_DEFAULT_OPTIONS - Set default values in 'es_options' and 'es_constraints'

 [es_options, es_constraints] = es_default_options(N)
 Initialise structures 'es_options' and 'es_constraints'
 used to define tasks in elasticity sampling
 N is either the (complete) stoichiometric matrix 
 or a network data structure from the Metabolic Network Toolbox)
  1. The structure es_constraints contains information for defining 
     the constraints in model sampling

 Field name                        Size    Meaning
 ----------                        ----    -------
 es_constraints.v_fix              nr x 1  fluxes predefined values (overrides vmin and vmax)
 es_constraints.v_min              nr x 1  fluxes lower bounds (overrides -vmax)
 es_constraints.v_max              nr x 1  fluxes upper bounds
 es_constraints.v_sign             nr x 1  fluxes signs (overrides vmin and vmax)
 es_constraints.v_mean             nr x 1  fluxes data (can also be a matrix)
 es_constraints.v_std              nr x 1  fluxes data error bars (can also be a matrix)
 es_constraints.Keq_fix            nr x 1  equilibrium constants predefined values 
 es_constraints.ext_sign           nx x 1  signs of production rates of external metabolites
 es_constraints.log_c_fix          nm x 1  ln metabolite levels predefined values
 es_constraints.log_c_min          nm x 1  ln metabolite levels lower bounds 
 es_constraints.log_c_max          nm x 1  ln metabolite levels upper bounds 
 es_constraints.log_c_mean         nm x 1  ln metabolite levels data
 es_constraints.log_c0_mean        nm x 1  ln equilibrium metabolite levels data
 es_constraints.log_c0_std         nm x 1  ln equilibrium metabolite levels data error bars
 es_constraints.mu0_fix            nm x 1  std chemical potentials predefined values 
 es_constraints.mu0_min            nm x 1  std chemical potentials lower bounds     
 es_constraints.mu0_max            nm x 1  std chemical potentials upper bounds     
 es_constraints.mu_fix             nm x 1  chemical potentials predefined values
 es_constraints.mu_min             nm x 1  chemical potentials lower bounds     
 es_constraints.mu_max             nm x 1  chemical potentials upper bounds     
 es_constraints.dmu_fix            nr x 1  Reaction Gibbs free energies predefined values
 es_constraints.dmu_min            nr x 1  Reaction Gibbs free energies lower bounds  
 es_constraints.dmu_max            nr x 1  Reaction Gibbs free energies upper bounds  
 es_constraints.dmu_limit           1 x 1  Reaction Gibbs free energies upper limit for absolute values
 es_constraints.dmu_limit_min       1 x 1  Reaction Gibbs free energies lower limit for absolute values
 es_constraints.log_u_mean         nr x 1  ln enzyme levels data
 es_constraints.log_u_std          nr x 1  ln enzyme levels data error bars
 es_constraints.beta_M_fix         nr x nm saturation values beta_M predefined values
 es_constraints.beta_A_fix         nr x nm saturation values beta_A predefined values
 es_constraints.beta_I_fix         nr x nm saturation values beta_I predefined values
 es_constraints.alpha_A_mean       nr x nm mean values for alpha_A    (only for beta distribution)
 es_constraints.alpha_A_std        nr x nm std dev values for alpha_A (only for beta distribution)
 es_constraints.alpha_I_mean       nr x nm mean values for alpha_I    (only for beta distribution)
 es_constraints.alpha_I_std        nr x nm std dev values for alpha_I (only for beta distribution)
 es_constraints.alpha_M_mean       nr x nm mean values for alpha_M    (only for beta distribution)
 es_constraints.alpha_M_std        nr x nm std dev values for alpha_M (only for beta distribution)
 es_constraints.rho                 1 x 1  upper bound on v+/v or v-/v 
 es_constraints.dmu_eqconstraint  struct  Fields .matrix, .vector define equality constraints
 es_constraints.mu_eqconstraint   struct  Fields .matrix, .vector define equality constraints

 with nr = #reactions; nm = #metabolites; nx = #external metabolites
 For defining only some entries in a vector, replace the others by 'nan'

 2. The structure es_options contains general directives for the algorithm

 Name                        Type/default   Meaning 
 ----                        ------------   -------
 es_options.seed                            Random seed
 es_options.sampling_method                 Strategy for steady state sampling 
                                              'v from data'
                                              'v and mu'
                                              'c0 and c'
 es_options.method_flux_sampling            Strategy for flux sampling 
 es_options.n_flux_samples       1          Number of flux samples
 es_options.flux_units                      'dimensionless', 'mM/s', 'mol/s'
 es_options.n_samples            1          Number of samples in multiple sampling (model ensemble)
 es_options.n_dmu_samples        1          For each of these: number of reaction affinity samples
 es_options.n_saturation_samples 1          For each of these: number of elasticity samples
 es_options.kinetic_law          string     Type of modular rate law (see modular rate laws, e.g., 'cs', 'ms')
 es_options.h                    nr x 1     Predefined reaction cooperativities
 es_options.set_alpha_to_half    boolean    Set all saturation values to 0.5 instead of random sampling?
 es_options.set_alpha_nonuniform boolean    Draw alpha values from beta distribution?
                                              Use distribution parameters from the sparse matrices
                                              es_constraints.alpha_A_mean etc  (only nonzero entries are used):
 es_options.KV_prior_mean       = 1;        kV value to be substituted in inactive reactions
 es_options.limit_cooperativity = 2;        threshold value for reaction cooperativity
 es_options.no_equilibrium       boolean    If rates vanish, assume that zero enzyme levels are the reason
 es_options.ind_ignore           []         Indices of reactions to be ignored when computing thermodynamic 
                                              loops (only in for flux correction by loop substraction)
 es_options.zc                   []         Metabolite derivative of objective function
 es_options.zv                   []         Flux derivative of objective function
 es_options.verbose              (boolean)  Verbose output?
 es_options.graphics_flag        (boolean)  Show graphics?
 es_options.print_graphics       (boolean)  Save graphics to file?


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