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ES_SAMPLE_STEADY_STATE - Sample feasible stationary state for a network


function [c0, c, u, v, Keq, mu, K, Kma, zeta, A] = es_sample_steady_state_state(N, W, ind_ext, es_constraints, es_options)


 ES_SAMPLE_STEADY_STATE - Sample feasible stationary state for a network

 [c0, c, u, v, Keq, mu, K, Kma, zeta, A] = es_sample_steady_state_state(N, W, ind_ext, es_constraints, es_options)

 Sample thermodynamically consistent steady states, including concentrations,
   fluxes, and thermodynamic quantities. Enzyme levels are freely sampled.

 Inputs (with nm: # metabolites; nr: # reactions)
   N                            - Stoichiometric matrix (nm x nr)
   W                            - Allosteric regulation matrix (nr x nm)
   ind_ext                      - indices of external metabolites
   es_constraints, es_options:  - explained below (also see 'es_default_options')

 Outputs (with nm: # metabolites; nr: # reactions)
   c0        - Vector of chemical equilibrium concentrations (optional)
   c         - Vector of concentrations
   u         - Vector of enzyme levels
   J         - Flux vector
   Keq       - Vector of equilibrium constants
   mu        - Vector of chemical potentials
   K         - Kernel matrix 
   Kma       - Vector of mass-action ratios
   zeta      - zeta vector computed from reaction affinities
   A         - Vector of reaction affinities (thermodynamic driving forces)

 Sampling methods used:

     If a flux vector is predefined in es_constraints.v_fix (no missing values), 
     this flux vector is directly used. Otherwise, a method to determine the
     fluxes must be given in 'es_options.sampling_method':
     'accept_flux':         use values given in  es_constraints.v_mean
     'sample_and_discard':  sample flux values from the distribution defined by
                            es_constraints.v_mean, es_constraints.v_std, and es_constraints.v_sign
                            and omit unfeasible cycles
     'convex_optimisation': sample fluxes based on convex FBA from the distribution defined by 
                            es_constraints.v_mean, es_constraints.v_std, and es_constraints.dmu_fix
                            and omit unfeasible cycles
     'v and mu',            sample flux values using sample_feasible_v.m
     'v from data':         sample flux values from the distribution defined by
                            es_constraints.v_mean, es_constraints.v_std, and es_constraints.v_sign
     Concentrations given in log_c_fix will be directly used. The remaining 
     concentrations are randomly sampled based on log_c_mean and log_c_std.
   Chemical potentials
     The method chosen to determine concentrations and flux depends on the 
     information provided in the "[..]_fix" fields of es_constraints:
     mu_fix, dmu_fix, Keq_fix, mu0_fix.

  Fields in 'es_constraints' and 'es_options' relevant to this function:
    es_options.seed               - Random seed used
    es_options.sampling_methods   - Alternative sampling procedures
                                    'v from data'
                                    'v and mu'
                                    'c0 and c'
    es_constraints.v_fix          - Predefined fluxes (vector, NaNs are ignored)
    es_constraints.v_min          - Lower flux bounds (vector, NaNs are ignored)
    es_constraints.v_max          - Upper flux bounds (vector, NaNs are ignored)
    es_constraints.v_sign         - Flux signs (vector, NaNs are ignored)
    es_constraints.log_u_mean     - Mean enzyme level (for sampling)
    es_constraints.log_u_std      - Std dev for enzyme levels (for sampling)
    es_constraints.log_c_mean     - Mean metabolite concentration (for sampling)
    es_constraints.log_c_std      - Std dev for metabolite concentrations (for sampling)
   Additional fields required, depending on 'es_options.sampling_method':
     'v from data'          es_constraints.v_mean
     'v and mu'             es_constraints.mu_fix
     'c0 and c'             es_constraints.log_c0
     'sample_and_discard'   es_options.cycle_correction

     'convex_optimisation'  es_constraints.dmu_fix
   For some methods, additionally required:
      es_options.ind_ignore  reactions to be ignored in thermodynamic loops 
                             (only needed for flux correction by loop substraction)
                             (only needed for flux correction by convex FBA)


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