Home > enzyme-cost-minimization > ecm_functions > ecm_save_model_and_data_sbtab.m



ECM_SAVE_MODEL_AND_DATA_SBTAB - Write SBtab file containing (model and data) information for Enzyme Cost Minimization


function ecm_save_model_and_data_sbtab(filename,network,v,r,c_data,u_data, kinetic_data, conc_min, conc_max, met_fix, conc_fix, enzyme_cost_weights, document_name, save_single_tables)


ECM_SAVE_MODEL_AND_DATA_SBTAB - Write SBtab file containing (model and data) information for Enzyme Cost Minimization

ecm_save_model_and_data_sbtab(filename,network,v,r,c_data,u_data, kinetic_data, conc_min, conc_max, met_fix, conc_fix, enzyme_cost_weights, document_name, save_single_tables)

For loading an SBtab file, see 'help ecm_load_model_and_data_sbtab'

 filename               filename for SBtab output
 network                (struct describing model, see mnt toolbox)
 v                      (nr x 1 vector of reaction rates)
 r                      (struct describing model kinetics, see mnt toolbox)
 c_data                 (nm x 1 vector of measured concentrations (only for information))
 u_data                 (nr x 1 vector of measured enzyme concentrations (only for information))
 kinetic_data           (OPTIONAL: struct with kinetic data; only to give original dmu0 values)
 conc_min               (nm x 1 vector of minimal concentrations)
 conc_max               (nm x 1 vector of maximal concentrations)
 met_fix                (OPTIONAL: list of metabolites with fixed concentrations)
 conc_fix               (OPTIONAL: fixed concentrations corresponding to met_fix)
 enzyme_cost_weights    ( nr x 1 vector of enzyme cost weights; default [])
 document_name          (string; document name to be mentioned in SBtab)
 save_single_tables     (flag for saving SBtab tables in single files; default 0)


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