< Master index Index for ./enzyme-cost-minimization/ecm_functions >

Index for ./enzyme-cost-minimization/ecm_functions

Matlab files in this directory:

 ContentsInternal functions for Enzyme Cost Minimisation
 ecm_BASEDIRECM_BASEDIR - Return ECM toolbox directory
 ecm_below_thresholdECM_BELOW_THRESHOLD - Helper function for enzyme cost minimization
 ecm_check_parameter_balancingECM_CHECK_PARAMETER_BALANCING - Checks for balanced parameters
 ecm_default_optionsECM_DEFAULT_OPTIONS - Defaults for ECM
 ecm_dependenciesECM_DEPENDENCIES - Check whether dependencies of ECM toolbox are satisfied
 ecm_displayECM_DISPLAY - Display results of ECM
 ecm_get_one_uECM_GET_ONE_U - Helper function for enzyme variability calculation after enzyme cost minimization:
 ecm_get_scoreECM_GET_SCORE - Helper function
 ecm_get_specific_ratesECM_GET_SPECIFIC_RATES - Helper function
 ecm_inequalitiesMEASURES_FOR_ENZYME_COSTS_INEQUALITIES - Helper function
 ecm_kegg_compound_id_to_nameECM_KEGG_COMPOUND_ID_TO_NAME - Name conversion for compounds
 ecm_load_model_and_data_sbtabECM_LOAD_MODEL_AND_DATA_SBTAB - Load data from SBtab file
 ecm_one_runECM_ONE_RUN - Perform one ECM run
 ecm_read_optionsECM_READ_OPTIONS - Read ECM options from file
 ecm_regularisationECM_REGULARISATION - Regularisation term for ECM
 ecm_save_model_and_data_gamsECM_SAVE_MODEL_AND_DATA_GAMS - Save input files for ECM by GAMS solvers
 ecm_save_model_and_data_sbtabECM_SAVE_MODEL_AND_DATA_SBTAB - Write SBtab file containing (model and data) information for Enzyme Cost Minimization
 ecm_save_result_sbtabECM_SAVE_RESULT_SBTAB - Save ECM results in SBtab format
 ecm_setupECM_SETUP - Determine data directory
 ecm_tolerancesECM_TOLERANCES - Compute approximate tolerance ranges for metabolites and enzymes
 ecm_update_optionsECM_UPDATE_OPTIONS - Helper function for ECM options (struct 'ecm_options')

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