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This is a script file.


 Convex model balancing
 Matlab files for convex model balancing

 Main function: convex_model_balancing.m
 For algorithm options, see 'help cmb_default_options'
 For an example, see 'demo_cmb_artificial_data.m' and 'demo_cmb_experimental_data.m' 
 Input data
 Model structures must be given as SBtab or SBML files
 Kinetic data
 Kinetic data must be given as SBtab files
 o Metabolites must be annotated with KEGG Compound IDs
 o Reactions and Enzymes must be annotated with KEGG Reaction IDs
 Metabolic state data
 Metabolite, flux, and enzyme data must be given as SBtab files
 o Metabolites must be annotated with KEGG Compound IDs
 o Reactions and Enzymes must be annotated with KEGG Reaction IDs
 The columns containing the data can carry arbitrary names 
 (which must be declared within matlab, for parsing the files)
 Result files
 kinetic_model.tsv    SBtab - Metabolic network and kinetic constants (optionally: include kinetic rate law formulae)
 metabolic_states.tsv SBtab - Predicted metabolite concentrations, enzyme concentrations, Gibbs free energies, fluxes (for all states)
 report.txt           Number of data points / of fitted variables (by category), and calculation time
 options.mat      .mat  Options
 results.mat      .mat  Results


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