< Master index Index for matlab/model-balancing >

Index for matlab/model-balancing

Matlab files in this directory:

 cmb_default_optionscmb_options = cmb_default_options()
 cmb_estimation[optimal, gradient_V, init, time] = cmb_estimation(network, q_info, bounds, data, prior, preposterior, pp, V, cmb_options)
 cmb_filenamesfilenames = cmb_filenames(model_name, result_dir, network_sbml_file)
 cmb_generate_artificial_data[kinetics, prior, bounds, data, true, kinetic_data, state_data] = cmb_generate_artificial_data(network, cmb_options, q_info)
 cmb_make_ppStructure pp contains the network and other information (needed to call ecm enzyme cost score function)
 cmb_make_priorthe following distribution can be improved (using the results of kinetic parameter balancing)
 cmb_model_and_data[bounds, prior, init] = cmb_model_and_data(model, network, data, q_info, c_init, cmb_options)
 cmb_model_artificial_data[network, bounds, prior, q_info, data, true, kinetic_data, state_data] = cmb_model_artificial_data(network_file, cmb_options, c_init, position_sbtab_file, constraint_sbtab_file)
 cmb_objective% CURRENTLY NOT USED

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