Home > elasticity_sampling > elasticity_sampling > es_perturbations > es_simulate_perturbation.m



ES_SIMULATE_PERTURBATION - Predict the effects of a given differential profile


function r = es_simulate_perturbation(N,W,ind_ext,u_ratio,s_ratio,es_result,expansion,expansion_order)


ES_SIMULATE_PERTURBATION - Predict the effects of a given differential profile 

 r = es_simulate_perturbation(N,W,ind_ext,u_ratio,s_ratio,es_result,expansion,expansion_order)

 Compute the predicted effects of a given differential profile 
 of enzyme expression (u) and external metabolites (s)
 on balanced concentrations c and fluxes j
 based on an expansion using the response coefficients in "es_result"
 N, W, ind_ext: structural information about the network
 s_ratio:       external concentration ratio vector
 u_ratio:       expression ratio vector
 es_result:     output from a previous elasticity sampling (function 'sample_model')
 expansion:     {'logarithmic','non-logarithmic'}
                -> depending on the expansion type, the output refers to logarithmic 
                   or non-logarithmic values; 
 expansion_order          1 or 2 expansion_order of the expansion

 output r contains the ratios etc.


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