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Wolfram Liebermeister wolfram.liebermeister@gmail.com INRAE - Unité MaIAGE Domaine de Vilvert 78352 Jouy-en-Josas, France |
All publications / Selected publications
Protein economy in metabolism
Metabolic enzyme cost explains variable trade-offs
between microbial growth rate and yield
Wortel M.T., Noor E., Ferris M., Bruggeman F.J., Liebermeister W. (2018),
PLoS Computational Biology 14(2): e1006010 -
The protein cost of metabolic fluxes: prediction from enzymatic rate laws and cost minimization
Noor E., Flamholz A., Bar-Even A., Davidi D., Milo R., Liebermeister W. (2016)
PLoS Comp. Biol. 12 (10): e1005167 -
Visual account of protein investment in cellular functions
Liebermeister W., Noor E., Flamholz A., Davidi D., Bernhardt J., Milo R. (2014)
PNAS 111 (23), 8488-8493 -
Glycolytic strategy as a tradeoff between energy yield and protein cost
Flamholz A., Noor E., Bar-Even A., Liebermeister W., Milo R. (2013)
PNAS 110 (24): 10039-10044 -
A theory of optimal differential gene expression
Liebermeister W., Klipp E., Schuster S., Heinrich R. (2004)
BioSystems 76, 261-278
Metabolic dynamics and control
Global network reorganization during dynamic adaptations of Bacillus subtilis metabolism
Buescher J.M. et al (2012)
Science 335 (6072), 1099-1103 -
Response to temporal parameter fluctuations in biochemical networks
Liebermeister W. (2005)
Journal of Theoretical Biology 234 (3), 423-438 - [pdf] -
Biochemical network models simplified by balanced truncation
Liebermeister W., Baur U., Klipp E. (2005)
FEBS Journal, 272 (16) 4034 - 4043 - [pdf]
Model building and analysis
Systematic construction of kinetic models from genome-scale metabolic networks
Natalie J. Stanford, Lubitz T., Smallbone K., Klipp E., Mendes P., Liebermeister W. (2013)
PLoS ONE 8(11): E79195 -
Parameter balancing in kinetic models of cell metabolism
Lubitz T., Schulz M., Klipp E., Liebermeister W. (2010)
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114(49):16298-16303 - [pdf] -
Modular rate laws for enzymatic reactions: thermodynamics, elasticities, and implementation
Liebermeister W., Uhlendorf J., Klipp E. (2010)
Bioinformatics 26(12):1528-1534 -
Biochemical networks with uncertain parameters
Liebermeister W., Klipp E. (2005)
IEE Proceedings - Systems Biology 152 (3) 97-107 - [pdf]
Model semantics and model combination
Notions of similarity for systems biology models
Henkel R., Hoehndorf R., Kacprowski T., Knüpfer C., Liebermeister W., Waltemath D. (2016)
Briefings in Bioinformatics, doi 10.1093/bib/bbw090 -
Retrieval, alignment, and clustering of computational models based on semantic annotations
Schulz M., Krause F., Le Novère N., Klipp E., Liebermeister W.(2011)
Molecular Systems Biology 7 Article number:512 -
Annotation and merging of SBML models with semanticSBML
Krause F, Uhlendorf J., Lubitz T., Schulz M., Klipp E., Liebermeister W. (2010)
Bioinformatics 26 (3), 421-422 - [pdf] [semanticSBML] -
Validity and combination of biochemical models
Liebermeister W. (2008)
3rd International ESCEC Workshop on Experimental Standard Conditions
on Enzyme Characterizations. - [pdf]